Thursday, September 11, 2008

A single thought - Stand Up

When the only thing one can do to help people is to type a few words, it seems very little indeed. This is the only thing I can do today to help Tibetans in their time of need.

I ask you to simply think how you would feel if you had a Government from another country tell you what you can do and how you can do it every day for 50 years. All the while, your identity, churches, and the literature you us to practice your faith are all being destroyed. The wood from your forest taken, your churches and universities destroyed.

Even if you are not Buddhist and are an evangelical fundamentalist, this world event affects you. All those that have gone to war to protect their own freedom of religion and world peace most have compassion for the Tibetans.

All I ask of you is to think. Think and talk about how wrong it is that the Government of China can and is occupying Tibet and oppressing its people.

Be informed and

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